Friday, January 3, 2014

Custom Foot Orthotics

Custom Foot Orthotics

Here at Back In Line Chiropractic, we provide various services and treatments for our patients. One of the services we offer to patients is custom foot orthotics. These orthotics help improve the alignment of our patients by helping them walk without discomfort or pain.

Our patients find that custom foot orthotics help with many types of pain they are experiencing, including lower back, foot and knee pain. Custom foot orthotics also help with the functioning of the foot, including realigning the bones and taking pressure off other parts of their body.

When the feet are not properly aligned with the body and spine, people tend to walk in an awkward way. This causes them to put more pressure on other parts of their body, such as the hips, feet and ankles, shoulders, and the back. This pressure is relieved with the help of custom foot orthotics.

Once we create the orthotics for our patients, they last about a year before needing to be replaced. It is important to continue seeing us on a regular basis and bringing your orthotics with you so we can be sure they are still in good condition and still fitting you properly.

Visit Dr. LaDonna Bense in Dallas, GA to schedule an appointment for your new orthotics.