Friday, September 27, 2013

Personal Injury

Personal Injury

Personal injury is most often the result of an accident or trauma, and it comes at a price. If you have been dealing with pain or discomfort that doesn’t seem to be going away, we can help. At Back In Line Chiropractic, we offer solutions for personal injuries that help to get you feeling like yourself again.

Our chiropractor, Dr. LaDonna Bense, is skilled at different types of therapies. This includes those that help reduce dysfunction, restore your body’s strength, improve flexibility, and reduce soft tissue pain that is common after a personal injury. After getting chiropractic treatment from our practice, you are on the road to less pain, increased range of motion, and no more muscle spasms.

We use a series of techniques and therapies for personal injuries. This includes muscle massage and manual therapy, manipulation, realignment, spinal care, and more. The type of technique that works on you will be dependent on the type and severity of injury you have sustained. We are dedicated to the healing process and will provide you with outstanding care. If you have had a personal injury, contact our office in Dallas, GA, to get started on your chiropractic treatment.

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